Spooky Dream

Posted March 11th, 2012 by admin

Halloween Eve, and me, with nothing to do. I leap from my bed as Ma and Pa are asleep. My deeds serve them right for treating me as a caged animal. My nightgown slaps against my knees and my footsteps seem louder than stones. I see mom’s pie pumpkin, which she had picked to bake with. I place it on the counter and reach for the biggest knife that I can see. And I lean down, ready to slice the pumpkin down its middle. Only one thing stops me. The pumpkin is glowing! The lower I move my knife, the brighter it gets. I slam the knife down and run to bed. In the morning, Ma screams something about a spirit ruining her pumpkin. I smile to myself.

It was all a dream. . . right?

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